Lafayette Placenta Encapsulation
Experienced. Professional. Passionate. Knowledgeable.

Tiffany Wyatt, APPAC
Triple-certified Placenta Arts Specialist

Placenta encapsulation done right.
I had my first baby in 2009 and suffered from Postpartum Anxiety while friends suffered through Postpartum Depression. When I got pregnant with my second child, I knew I wanted to do postpartum differently. I figured if placenta encapsulation worked for me, I could also encapsulate for my friends and boy — did it make all the difference for all of us!
So much so, I began professionally encapsulating placentas in Acadiana officially in 2013 out of my pure passion to support fellow, local mommas. My heart is in helping moms in the most vulnerable time of postpartum. It's such a beautiful moment in life, that we don't always prepare for how difficult it is. We lose sleep, put too much pressure on ourselves to meet everyone's needs and forget about our own.
After a few months of being locally, mentor-trained and getting certified in Louisiana Food Handlers and Bloodborne Pathogen protocol, I knew I wanted ALL of the knowledge of this amazing organ, the placenta. I then chose to go through the intense training and certification process with the internationally recognized Association Placenta of Preparation Arts (APPA). I became the FIRST placenta specialist triple-certified with APPA not only in Louisiana, but in the region. I have to re-up my certification every year and chose to have my protocols, equipment and placenta lab board-approved annually. I always stay up-to-date on new studies and protocol changes in order to always provide the utmost in safety, not only for my clients, but for myself.
I have created protocol efficiencies that have been adopted among the professional placenta community as well as personally designed the placenta transport kit and capsule packaging you will receive.
Yes! — I'm pretty proud of my passion and all I've invested into providing the safest and most knowledgable placenta encapsulation service possible.
Placenta encapsulation is the best gift we can give ourselves for our happiest postpartum. I love being there for moms when they are preparing for their postpartum with advice and resources. I'm available to my mommas from the time a mom registers for placenta encapsulation with me. You don't only get the service of a knowledgable, professional and experienced placenta encapsulation service, but you also get a non-judgmental and encouraging fellow momma to reach out to anytime.
Much love
— Tiffany

Specially-designed placenta transport kit mailed to you
Placenta pick-up at your place of birth in Lafayette
Your choice of encapsulation method
Gold painted cord keepsake
Mini Polaroid image of your placenta & pre-painted cord keepsake
Information & postpartum guide booklet with recipes and resources
Branded packaging with dosage suggestion
Consultation video &/or by phone after pickup or mailing of completed package
Available to you during your postpartum for any support
1. Placenta Encapsulation Basic Package
Everything in the basic package PLUS
Placenta Tincture
Placenta Print
$275 ($10 off services)
2. Placenta Encapsulation Plus Package
Placenta service add-ons
Half & half Preparation–$60
Half Steam method and half Raw Prep method encapsulation. Not sure which encapsulation method you prefer even after talking with your specialist? This may be right for you. Half of your capsules will be processed with each method and bottled separately.
Placenta Print–$20
Placenta printing is an artistic way to capture the form and shape of your one-of-a-kind placenta. This is done on large archival artist paper in the natural fluids and sealed.
Placenta Tincture–$40
By tincturing small pieces of the placenta in a high-grade alcohol, you can forever prolong the benefits of your placental hormones even after the last capsules are gone. The tincture can be used in any time of trauma, transition, emotional distress and during PMS and menopause to help ease symptoms.
Placenta Salve–$45
Placenta salve is handmade with organic calendula, comfrey & lavender flowers that are infused into a high-quality salve base made of organic coconut oil, apricot seed oil, beeswax and vitamin E and your placenta powder is added. Placenta has long been used in skincare for its healing and restorative properties. It can be used for scars, rashes, stretch marks, eczema, wrinkles, or simply a general healing and skin-care salve. You will receive 2 – 1.7 oz. jars. Freeze one until you are finished with the first to preserve freshness.
Everything in the Plus package AND
Placenta Salve
Placenta Prepared Half Steamed and Half Raw-Prep Methods
$350 ($40 off services) BEST VALUE
3. Placenta Encapsulation Power Package
PLUS What ever add-on services you choose.
4. Create Your Own Placenta Encapsulation Package